Book Launch Party for The Benefactor

My book launch party was last night and it was an amazing evening. There was a cocktail party for guests of the hotel before my event began. The general manager suggested I get there early to set up and meet some of them. He had displayed the book signing poster in the lobby during the week, sent emails to the guests, and a telephone broadcast to the rooms inviting them down for happy hour and the book signing. About fifty people showed up and as I set up, 19 of them came over to chat and buy books, which totally shocked me. I was shaking a bit when I signed that first book in the presence of a stranger. I had already signed a bunch of pre-orders for the launch party, but I was by myself for those. 🙂

To be honest, I never imagined that my book launch party would go the way it did. In fact, just that morning I’d burrowed deeper under the covers in total avoidance mode, incredibly nervous and not knowing what to expect. But when guests began arriving and I felt the energy in the room and saw how starry-eyed some of my friends and family were, it all started to feel real in a good way. I had a hard time falling asleep after such an energizing night. I’ll never forget it. Thank you everyone for making it a dream come true.

At 7:00 PM, my family and friends arrived (about 100 people). It was a magical night. Everyone was so excited. There was a constant line at the signing table. A local paper had printed an article about the book launch and someone actually brought a copy of that for me to autograph along with the book. In addition to the food and drinks that were served, my mom brought in 100 casatelli, a Sicilian dessert, which is described on pages 106-107 of The Benefactor. We put up a sign with that information, along with a description of the dessert (pastry dough filled with sweetened ricotta, shaved chocolate, and a touch of cinnamon, fried or baked, and dusted with powdered sugar).

Visit the Gallery Page to see photos from the event.


One comment on “Book Launch Party for The Benefactor

  1. Ben Lombardo on

    Dear Margaret Reyes Dempsey –Congratulations on your book(s) s (I myself have authored or co-authored 5 books). I am very interested in your Mom's Sicilian, ricotta-filled pastry recipe, if possible — could you send the recipe to me at Sicilian mom passed recently without writing out her recipes.Her casatelli's were the best. Thank you Ben Lombardo, Warwick, Rhode Island


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