Marketing or Madness? You be the judge.

That there is the Ron Popeil of book promotion.
Who is that crazy man hanging upside down, you ask? My dad, of course. Hi Dad. 😀
For the record, I’ve warned my parents that any information that comes my way may end up in a blog. Now I think they just might be tempting fate. When this photo showed up in my inbox last night, well…you can’t make this stuff up.
Here’s what mom’s email said:
I just got an urgent call from Dad in the basement, which requested that I bring my camera. Being the helpful person I am, I hopped right to it – and this is what I found:
Dad reading “The Benefactor” on the Kindle while on the inversion table with Marilyn in the background and the name of the book indicated on the alphabet play mat.
Should I send for a psychiatrist?
Um, well, maybe.
Needless to say, I howled with laughter. That’s truly inspired, dad. And inspirational. It’s been a little over a year since my romantic suspense novel The Benefactor was published, and I admit it’s been a learning experience trying to balance promoting the book with writing my next novel. Midway through the year, I started to devote more time to the writing part. But Dad has reminded me that as long as my book (baby) is out there, it needs to be promoted (nurtured). So, my very first new year’s resolution is to do just that.
The Benefactor is available in both print and e-formats (including Kindle). Check out my website for information on the book, reviews, excerpts, etc. Here’s a blurb to whet your appetite:
They say the truth will set you free…
After her parents’ tragic deaths, eight-year-old Kate Barrett began receiving anonymous gifts from someone called Secret Friend. Years later, after landing a challenging job and the apartment of her dreams, she is caught off guard when another package shows up at her now unlisted address. Troubled that someone is watching her every move, she sets out to discover the stranger’s identity.
The pressure rises when a coworker’s flirtatiousness crosses the line and Kate makes a disturbing discovery at work. Just when things couldn’t get more bizarre, love comes from a surprising direction, and shocking clues to the mystery surface in an unthinkable place. But nothing can prepare Kate for the truth about Secret Friend, the deaths of her parents, and how her destiny has been cunningly manipulated.
One of my goals in promoting my book has always been to give back to the community. As such, all of the net proceeds from my book signings have gone to causes such as Pediatric MS (bet you didn’t know kids could get multiple sclerosis), literacy, donations to schools, etc. If anyone out there would like to partner with me for a charity event, feel free to contact me at
Happy New Year! Wishing you many creative moments in 2011.
The illustrious Sara Palin (gag, gag) should take a tip from you re your book signing charity. Even just a tiny bit. Have you ever participated in the Miami Book Fair?
No, Carl. All of my events have been in the NY Metro area.
The way your dad is reading The Benefactor makes me wonder if you’ve tried marketing it to the bat community. 😉
“Novel by new author breaks out in the bat community. Bats stay home to read. Insect population soars. Crops fail.” Nice, Rich. Now I know why you’re a horror writer. 😉
My brother and father swear by that inversion table for their back issues. They’re still trying to get me on it. Uh uh.
Oh my, that picure is a riot. Your parents are too cool! And I’ll be needing a copy of “The Benefactor”.
Yes, my parents are very entertaining, often when they don’t intend to be. Watch this space. 😉
Will you be giving away inversion tables on a limited promotional basis with the purchase of the book? Because I think, after seeing this photo, that’s the way I want to read it. Happy New Year!
Yes, act now and get two inversion tables with the purchase of your book. But wait, there’s more… 😉
Cool blog. I’m interested in checking out your book. I have a new fascination in checking out writers who take a person’s whole life from childhood to adulthood in a book. What’s parts of growing up do you include? What do you leave out? I just think it’s interesting. Best of luck with your book baby!
The Benefactor follows the adult life of the protagonist, with some crucial references to her past. In an early draft, I had included more of her life as a college student, but an agent I submitted to suggested it would be a better story if I deleted that entire section. I think she was right.
Good luck with your writing. And thanks for subscribing.
Hahaha! What a picture! My favorite part is that he actually has his head propped up… or would that be down?
Yeah, he makes it look really comfortable. But how do you snack upside down? 😉
Fabulous Margaret, am ordering it today!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.