I’m making progress on my next novel, a psychological thriller, thanks to my annual writing retreat with The Doll Babies in Virginia Beach. Check out the story on my blog.

Though I couldn’t attend these events, I was happy to donate signed copies of THE BENEFACTOR to help raise funds for cystic fibrosis and leukemia. Feel free to contact me if you are fundraising for a charity.

If you’re curious about my journey from Technical Writer to Fiction Writer, check out the article on page 6 of the newsletter for the Metro NY Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication. (Is that a mouthful or what?) Update: This is no longer available on their site. Click here to read the article.

The Benefactor came in second place in the Romance Novel category of the 2009 Preditors and Editors Readers’ Poll. Thank you to everyone who voted. Congratulations to my fellow authors, my editor (who finished in 2nd place in her category), and my publisher, The Wild Rose Press, who won first place in the Book Publisher category.

The book signing/fundraiser at the Broadway Mall for LIV LIFE and the LI Chapter of the National MS Society was a great success. Thank you to everyone who stopped by to purchase a book to help us raise awareness about Pediatric MS and funds for research. Click here to see photos.

Julie Compton, author of Tell No Lies and Rescuing Olivia, interviewed me today on her blog. She managed to extract previously secret information ranging from what my dream job was when I was 8 years old to the guilty pleasure I engaged in years ago after tucking in my toddler for the night. Stop by and feel free to leave a comment.

Article about The Benefactor in the print edition of The Wantagh-Seaford Citizen.

The Benefactor Receives 5 Stars and a Top Pick Rating by Night Owl Reviews
What a great New Year’s gift! Are you spotting the holiday pattern? ?
“All I can say about this story is, “WOW!!!” This was a powerful story that grabbed me from the first page and had me on a roller coaster ride until the very last sentence. Ms. Dempsey packed this story with raw emotions and I just couldn’t help but feel terrible for Kate….I’m new to Ms. Dempsey and her writing, but I can tell you that I am her #1 fan now. I eagerly look forward to reading more from this author as soon as possible. Keep the stories coming, Ms. Dempsey!” [Reviewer: Diana Coyle]
Click here to read the full review.

4-Book Rating for The Benefactor by Long and Short Reviews
What a great Thanksgiving gift!
“Margaret Reyes Dempsey’s unobtrusive writing style makes the story flow and propels the reader along with a mixture of bumps and smoothness along the way that keeps the reader’s interest fully engaged.”
Click here to read the full review.

Contest Giveaway: I’ll be giving away 3 copies of The Benefactor at Have U Heard, the Celebrity Gossip and Entertainment News Site.

The Book Launch Party for The Benefactor was a dream come true. Thanks for making it a night I’ll always remember. Click here to see photos.

My publisher, The Wild Rose Press, has released the 2009 Garden Gourmet Cookbook, featuring recipes submitted by the authors. You can get the online version for free, or buy the spiral bound book. Update: This is no longer available on their site. However, you can view my Grandma Margaret’s Italian Cheesecake recipe on my blog. Yum!

Article about The Benefactor in the Wantagh print edition of South Bay’s Neighbor.

With the release of The Benefactor scheduled for November 13, 2009, I’m working feverishly to get the word out. If you care to assist me “make news” and know of opportunities for interviews, appearances, speaking engagements, guest blogging, and so on, send me an email. I’ll love you forever.