Gone Fishin’

Fishin’ for words, that is. I’ll be out of town until next Saturday at a writers’ retreat with 9 women. We’ve rented a beach house in Virginia Beach. We each have our own bedroom and bathroom. From morning till about 3:30 PM, we’ll go off on our own to write. In the afternoon, we’ll come together to talk shop or read excerpts. For dinner, one of the writers will cook up some yummy sounding meals. She’s already sent us the menu:

  • Saturday: Guiness Beef Stew, bread, salad
  • Sunday: Chicken parm, and pasta in a roasted tomato sauce
  • Monday: General Tsao’s shrimp, rice noodles and stir-fried veggies
  • Tuesday: We eat out together.
  • Wednesday: Whatever fish looks good, fixed some delicious way, asparagus (or anise) and either risotto or wild rice.
  • Thursday: Sausage (chicken) and peppers
  • Friday: Fritatta

Another writer loves to bake desserts and there are promises of a chocolate cake, warm and gooey from the oven. Did I mention I’m bringing my Couch to 5K podcasts so I can continue my interval training? 😉

This sounds like it will be a wonderful break for me, but let’s not forget the real reason I’m going. The writing. I started my new novel during NaNoWriMo in November 2009. Do you know what today’s date is? After writing about 27,000 words, I was catapulted into the world of book promotion for my first novel, which came out that same month. Not much writing, except for blogging, has been accomplished since then. And that’s a very baaaaaaaaaad thing. So, I need this trip to get me back on track. In fact, there’s a wee bit of fear that I won’t be able to, but I’m doing my best to ignore it.

If you happen to stop by while I’m away, feel free to send me some love. I’ll need it. If I don’t respond right away, that’ll be a good sign.

Catch you when I get back. Have a wonderful week doing things that make your heart sing.

[Update: See my post A Vacation for My Soul for more on my retreat experience.]

37 comments on “Gone Fishin’

  1. girlboxing on

    Hey Margaret, ‘sounds like a fabulous opportunity to kick start the writing! Have a fabulous time and enjoy the soothing sounds of the Atlantic Surf, there are few prettier places in the world! -GB

  2. SuziCate on

    Dang, a writers retreat right here where I live and I didn’t know about it!!!!!! Yes, I live in Va. Beach, just not oceanside but near Town Center! Have a wonderful time! And I hope you get a lot accomplished.

  3. Elizabeth on

    Sounds heavenly! The company of women, dedicated time to write without interruption, beautiful setting, and oh.the.food. Have a wonderful time, and know there will be so many of us ready to share the experience vicariously!

  4. Joseph Hayes on

    I think I read somewhere that after spending time together a group of women writers will start punctuating together … or I may have heard that wrong.

  5. rebecca @ altared spaces on

    Margaret, Please remember that even silence is progress when it comes to writing.I know this is radical. But it is sooooo my experience and I just think it’s important for someone to have EVERY single permission available when leaving on a writer’s retreat where sometimes the expectations can eat the words before they have a chance to make it to the page.

    All words are helpful, even the words we don’t write.

    Sometimes I’ve taken whole pages to write: I love … I love… I love… I love… and simply name over and over things and people and weather patterns that I love.

    I want you to have all permission to write everything and anything and to ENJOY the process. And the beach.

  6. Richard on

    10 women in a house together for a week? If one of you doesn’t come back and start writing a horror or murder-mystery I’ll be very disappointed. One night during the week you have to stand up and say, ‘I believe the killer is someone in this room!’ It’ll be a hoot. In a literary way. Probably.

    Hope you have fun, Maggie, and rediscover your mojo. Say hi to the gooey chocolate for me. 🙂

  7. Damian Trasler on

    Wow, endless permission to write and food provided too! Fantastic! Wish you all the best with the new work. I’ll pass this post on to Mrs Dim as proof that I need a week away with my writing partners….Maybe she could come along as cook and housekeeper? How could she resist?

  8. Cynthia on

    Sending love and best wishes for the retreat. Am looking at your book on the shelf, which will be my reward for wrapping up a huge project, hopefully Tuesday.

  9. Jackie on

    I almost fell off the chair laughing at Richard’s comment. I could just imagine that game of Clue. Miss Mahgret with the Exclamation Point (!) in the Lavatory. HAHAHAHA….Have a great trip!

  10. Brenda on

    Good for you! Sounds like a wonderful retreat and a place to add a few thousand more words. In the very least, you are going to eat well, and continue to train. Write done them bones. We’ll miss you words.


  11. Melinda on

    Yay! I’m so excited that the second book is in the works as I impatiently wait….is it done yet?….now is it done? 🙂 What a fun idea. I’m sure you will get a lot accomplished. Nothing like getting away to spark some creativity.

  12. Margaret Reyes Dempsey on

    I’m baaaaaaaack. It was absolutely wonderful. There’s so much to tell. As soon as I get settled, I’ll be back with a post. Thanks for all your kind words, thoughts, and love. Hope you had a great week, too.

  13. comingeast on

    What a wonderful time you all must have had! Are you familiar with Hampton Roads Writers? We have a writing conference in September I think you would love. Please check us out at hamptonroadswriters.org. Would love to see you and your writing friends there!

    • Margaret Reyes Dempsey on

      Hey, Huffy,
      Thanks for checking in. I’ve been busy exploring some new ideas for Life – Part 2 (as I call it), which came up at the writers’ retreat. One of these days I’ll get around to writing a post about what’s been happening.

      Hope all is well with you.

    • Margaret Reyes Dempsey on

      🙂 I could cut worms, I suppose. That’s about it.

      I’m working on my next post. It’s taken this long to process my trip. I’m still not sure my words will do it justice. Thanks for checking in on me.


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