Category: Growth/Inspiration

When my mind quiets down from its frenetic processing of news, I am shocked anew at our current state of affairs. At how in one short week my life went from laughing and eating with friends at a newly discovered Harlem agaveria to being locked inside my Jackson Heights apartment with my asthmatic husband, dreading…
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This post goes out to my pals Karin, Diana, and Kathie, who love fiercely, strive to know others deeply, and understand that believing someone without question is one of the greatest gifts you can give another person. Each of us has at least one thing that triggers us—one thing that presses a button that unleashes…
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Some things happen in life that haunt you forever. Sometimes that’s a good thing. In the 1990s, a dear friend gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She needed to buy a gift at a now-defunct hobby shop and took him with her. As she walked up and down the aisles with baby in her…
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When you’re a kid learning how to play games from adults, you latch on to certain things, depending on your personality and perspective. For me, in Scrabble, it was “Oooooo…7-letter word. Aaah…triple-word score.” I was a nerdy, dictionary-reading kid, so as part of my strategy, I also memorized the “q” words that could be spelled…
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Another heavenly week has come and gone. This was year 2 of my Virginia Beach writing retreat with the Doll Babies. If that’s conjuring up images of sweet, little ladies popping bon bons as they write, well, the bon bons are not far off course, but sweet…nah. If you saw us coming, you might think…
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My pal over at Celluloid Zombie passed along this award, which led me to revisit some old blog posts. The rules to the 7 x 7 Link Award are simple: Tell everyone something about yourself that nobody else knows. Link to a post I think fits the following categories: Most Beautiful Piece, Most Helpful Piece, Most…
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January and February are not my favorite months. I go into hibernation mode. I run less. I stretch less. My hamstrings tighten up. I eat comfy foods more. My love handles bulk up. My belly looks like Baby Roo has taken up residence. My back aches. The number on the scale increases. I don’t walk…
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It’s that time of year again. You’re either rolled up in fetal position on the floor or writing a list of New Year’s resolutions. Some of you writing resolutions might prefer to be rolled up in fetal position, and those of you on the floor wouldn’t change places with the resolution writers for a million…
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