Last night as I was chatting with my Inked-In friends, my husband came in to tell me some terrible news. The salesman from whom we had leased our car had been struck and killed while crossing the street to get a cup of coffee. Whew. It really threw me. We spent only five hours with…
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Author: MRD
My mother always said “be careful what you put down on paper; you’re creating a lasting record.” I suppose it proves how much of a rebel I was that I became a writer. I’ll admit there are a few letters I wish I’d never sent and a few emails I wish I could recall. That’s…
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School starts tomorrow. The budget wasn’t passed and a class was eliminated in each grade, meaning class size is slightly larger this year. Apparently there won’t be a second to spare, not even to sharpen a pencil. So here I sit, sharpening 24 Ticonderoga #2 pencils, as per the official school supplies list. I suppose…
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[The facts in this post come from today’s edition of the New York Post.] The artist (not what I call him), Andres Serrano, who brought us Piss Christ, a crucifix thrown into a backlit jar of the artist’s urine, is back with a new exhibit. This time it’s “Shit: An Investigation.” Yes, you heard that…
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I’m back from a family camping vacation. Danny and Jon successfully separated me from Inked-In for five days. Our trip started out just fine, aside from the red bandana fuzz in my mouth. (Okay, when I said they successfully separated me from Inked-In, there was a bit of a scuffle and a gag was involved.)…
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My son was born almost nine years ago and in his first year I took almost 600 photos of him. After carefully dating them, I placed them in a box in chronological order. Every time I stopped at Barnes and Noble, I’d pick up a scrapbooking magazine. Soon, I had a stack of them and…
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Back in the days when I was the cook in the family, I’d bury my nose in a cookbook all day. By 6 PM I’d realize I hadn’t started dinner, so we’d order out. Funny part was, I have never followed a recipe to make dinner; I just enjoy reading cookbooks. I’m more of a…
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Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have enough pet peeves to open a pet shop. Among them: Tissues that have tiny dust particles in them that make you sneeze. Why can’t they make them out of the same stuff they use for toilet paper? (I once worked with a woman who swore…
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Yesterday afternoon I got a call from a loved one who is going on an audition next week and needs to be able to sing a song to piano accompaniment. Yikes. I knew where this was going. I’m the piano player in my family. It started in the typical way. Mom heard me plucking out…
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My eight-year-old son is a huge Family Feud fan and for the past few weeks he has been pestering me to find him the theme song from the John O’Hurley version of the show. We sat down together and started searching the internet. One site seemed promising and it had the McAfee Site Security green…
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